In all honesty, the trick is in the design of the NPD head, that is, the fly’s floatation device. Besides the hydro-dynamic and aero-dynamic features of the NPD, the design gives fly tiers a new, straight-forward way to tie big topwater patterns.
What People Are Saying
"Noel's [NPD Diver] is a new style of surface fly that I think will be a killer for many species that want a serious mouth full." - Dan Blanton
The NPD Diver in Action
Check out the fish gone wild over the NPD Diver fly or watch video footage of an NPD Diver swimming in water.
Swimming the NPD Diver in the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has led to a ton of enjoyment.
Fish do some real unique things when the NPD Diver swims by. For example, imagine… casting an 8-inch topwater fly to a tulle point and then in slow motion a double digit striped bass porpoises and slurps the fly down like a crouton on top of French Onion Soup.
What Rig to Use
9-wt or 10-wt rod
Uplined full floating or floating shooting head
4 to 6-feet of 15-20 lb monofilament leader
Besides working the fly on the surface of the water, the NPD Diver has been effective attached to an Intermediate line and fished agressively in the shallow sub-surface.
How to Tie the NPD Diver
Visit the the Hot Fly section of Dan Blanton's website, where the NPD Diver is featured.